This is me at the beginning of week 3

This is me at the beginning of week 3

Saturday, July 16, 2011

My very first day with Roca Lab's Mini gastric bypass-no surgery

Well, the time has come to do something radical to lose weight. I never had a problem with weight until I got sick with Fibromyalgia about 12 years ago. I was also MISdiagnosed with Bipolar, and the meds that I was put on, caused a huge weight gain of 80 pounds in 2 months. I have since been UNdiagnosed (11 years later) but have not been able to lose the weight. I have tried almost every program out there- I won't name them all- but always have been disappointed. In 2009, my husband of 29 years decided he didn't want me anymore. I was devastated to say the least, and managed to go from around 200 lbs to 180. After it was all over and I relocated from Georgia to where my family was in Illinois, I ate good, healthy meals, walked and climbed a lot of stairs everyday but for some reason, I slowly began putting my weight back on. I think that it was all of the turmoil and stress I was carrying around inside of my heart. I moved into my own place, and within a year, I put on the 20 lbs I had lost earlier, and 30 more bringing my weight gain up to a whopping 50 lbs. I realized that I had begun emotionally eating in the evenings. This was something very new to me but because I was grieving my losses, it was the only way I knew to deal with my loneliness and emptiness. In January, I met Danny and we got engaged. He moved in and took care of me for months because I also began having really bad problems with my right knee. To make a long story short, I now have bad arthritis in my joints and lower back. I was forcibly immobile for several months, which didn't help my weight problems. I hardly ate but because I could barely walk, I guess I just didn't burn up the calories. I have a medium frame and I am literally carrying around another person around on my body! I attribute much of my illnesses to my weight- diabetes, fibromyalgia, arthritis.
Earlier this week (on  Monday night I think), while doing a search on the internet, I came across The Mini Gastric Bypass- No Surgery by Roca Labs. I read it and became SOOO hopeful that this was my answer! I received my order on Friday (yesterday) and started my journey today- July 16, 2011. My starting weight is 230 lbs. There have been some side effects for me today- bloating and diarrhea- but I was assured by the literature that this will pass in time. I also called customer service and left a message, and they called me back within about 10 minutes! I feel very good about this and knowing that Roca is here for me really helps!
 I have had some negative comments about whether this was safe for me to do but I have a strong will, and strong reserve that others don't affect me much, especially when they are not in my shoes! I wonder why people think they can say what they want to me without any thought for my feelings? First, I was told how "worried" about me they are because of my weight, and now, when I find something that gives me some hope, they STILL have negative comments?!! Only Danny is supportive of me and he trusts my decisions and doesn't treat me like a child. Good God, I AM 50 YEARS OLD! When does it end?? I guess this is what it is like when you live near family. I love them so much but I am about ready to give up talking about my life to them.
I will be keeping a video journal to follow my progress, as well as blogging here. Here is to success!!

Starting weight 230 (almost unbelievable although my highest weight was 238, 2 months ago)

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