This is me at the beginning of week 3

This is me at the beginning of week 3

Thursday, August 11, 2011

End of week 4

I sort of fell behind on my blog. A lot has been going on for the last 2 weeks. Let's see, at the end of week 3, I lost 1 more pound. So that brings my total to 9 pounds lost in 3 weeks. My weight was 221.
I will not weigh in tomorrow- I will wait until next week- week 5. I still have not finished a bag of the product, and although I am supposed to be cutting back every week, I feel like since I have so much to lose, I should continue on the higher dose. I still have 3 more bags and I can order more if needed.
Danny and I are back together although we are not picking up where we left off. We are starting things new- dating, and working on the areas of our relationship that we need to. We are not engaged and we are not living together.We have a renewed love for one another and he has changed things that were bothering me before without me even telling him what those things were! That HAS to be a God thing! We are so much happier with him living in his own apartment and me living at my place. My family is so against our relationship, and that makes it hard on me but I have learned to put up boundaries. I am 50 years old, not 15.